| Резервни части за скутери и мотоциклети / Motorcycles & scooters products, spare parts | Киуей / Keeway | Двигател / Engine | Цилиндри / Cylinders | Четиритактови цилиндри (4T) / Four-stroke cylinders (4T) | 4T Въздушно охлаждане / 4T Air cooling (AC)
Сylinder kit type 153QMI - 125cc 4T AC 52.40mm, piston pin-15mm:
The new engine type 153QMI, a modified version of the standard GY6 engine 152QMI.
Applicable to:
ATV XY 125ST-9 125cc
ARN 125, Matrix 125, RX9 LEONE
J-GY6-125, Agility 125, HERO 125, Like 125, People 125,...
Доставно тегло: 1,480 кг
Сylinder kit type 153QMI - 125cc 4T AC 52.40mm, piston pin-15mm:
The new engine type 153QMI, a modified version of the standard GY6 engine 152QMI.
Applicable to:
ATV XY 125ST-9 125cc
ARN 125, Matrix 125, RX9 LEONE
J-GY6-125, Agility 125, HERO 125, Like 125, People 125,...
Доставно тегло: 1,520 кг
Сylinder kit type 153QMI - 150cc 4T AC 57.40mm, piston pin-15mm:
The new engine type 153QMI, a modified version of the standard GY6 engine 152QMI.
153QMI - 150cc replaces the standard cylinder 153QMI - 125cc.
Applicable to:
ATV XY 150ST-9 150cc
ARN 125, Matrix 125, RX9 LEONE
Доставно тегло: 1,300 кг
Сylinder kit type 153QMI - 150cc 4T AC 57.40mm, piston pin-15mm:
The new engine type 153QMI, a modified version of the standard GY6 engine 152QMI.
153QMI - 150cc replaces the standard cylinder 153QMI - 125cc.
Applicable to:
ATV XY 150ST-9 150cc
ARN 125, Matrix 125, RX9 LEONE
Доставно тегло: 1,460 кг
Сylinder kit type 153QMI - 170cc 4T AC 59.00mm, piston pin-15mm
Order No.: ZV0023
The new engine type 153QMI, a modified version of the standard GY6 engine 152QMI.
153QMI - 170cc replaces the standard cylinder 153QMI - 125cc/150cc
Applicable to:
ATV XY 150ST-9 150cc
ARN 125, ...
Доставно тегло: 1,310 кг