Мотор-Байк ООД

Адрес: бул.България №54 4400 Пазарджик
Теленор 0893 444893,
Теленор 0893 444620,
Виваком 0878 835359
e-mail: motor_bike@abv.bg

    | Резервни части за скутери и мотоциклети / Motorcycles & scooters products, spare parts | Универсални части / Universal parts | Огледала / Mirrors
8,00 лв.
MIRROR M8x1.25mm DOUBLESS - Right side (Right hand thread)
Is designed to create greater visibility for scooter users without requiring that the rider turn his/her head or body. This mirror easily mounts onto the brake handle. It replaces the bolt that clamps the brake handle to the handlebars. These are high quality scooter accessories that appear to be adaptable to almost any and every model of motor scooter out there.
Thread Size: 8x1.25mm