Мотор-Байк ООД

Адрес: бул.България №54 4400 Пазарджик
Теленор 0893 444893,
Теленор 0893 444620,
Виваком 0878 835359
e-mail: motor_bike@abv.bg

    | Гуми / Tires, tubes | Велосипедни гуми външни / Bicycle tires | 540 мм диаметър на джанта - 24x1 3/8 ЦОЛА / 24x1 3/8" (540 mm)
20,60 лв.
ВЕЛО ГУМА ВЪНШНА 24x1 3/8 37-540 V69 HOOK (сива) РУБЕНА/МИТАС
Bicycle tyre Rubena/Mitas 24x1 3/8 (37-540)
The tread - V69 HOOK (Grey)
This tire is most commonly used for wheelchairs
Exact size: 37-540 and the casing pattern is marked V69 HOOK.
It can also be used as City, Touring, and Trekking tire. More defined tread pattern for all-weather performance.
All the comfort and low-rolling friction of a pneumatic tyre and more defined tread pattern for all-weather use. With revolutionary rubber technology, it is extremely hard wearing.
Mitas tires are quality products from a Czech manufacturer.