Мотор-Байк ООД

Адрес: бул.България №54 4400 Пазарджик
Теленор 0893 444893,
Теленор 0893 444620,
Виваком 0878 835359
e-mail: motor_bike@abv.bg

    | Резервни части за скутери и мотоциклети / Motorcycles & scooters products, spare parts | ИЖ / IZH | Двигател / Engine | Бутала / Pistons | За двуцилиндров двигател / For a 350cc two-cylinder engine
100,00 лв.
ИЖ БУТАЛА + СЕГМЕНТИ 61.75 ф14 2ц. /2 БР. К-Т/ РУСКИ
IZH Pistons (Piston pin Ø14mm) with Piston rings D-61.75mm 2 pcs. set:
Piston rings Side gap F-type D-61.75mm x 2.5mm (4 pcs.) 2T 350cc:
Two cylinders engine

Original remaining stock

The original parts from the USSR period can have scratching tracks, paint defects or similar damages, please note this before the purchase or ask in case of doubt with us.